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Personal Empowerment Products
Projects Carol Supports
The initiative has transitioned from a United Nations sponsored 5th World Conference on Women an India sponsored event in 2022. You can join the Facebook 5WCW Initiative to show your support for 5WCW-India 2022. The new 5WCW website will be available in the near future.
Since 1997, millions of people have turned to the Good News Network® as an antidote to the barrage of negativity experienced in the mainstream media. Because of its long history, staying power, and public trust, GNN is #1 on Google for good news. The website, with its archive of 21,000 positive news stories from around the globe, confirms what people already know—that good news itself is not in short supply; the broadcasting of it is.
Our purpose is to work for a culture of peace through education, advocacy and community building. We are creating an organizing force that takes unfocused dissatisfaction with war and injustice and provides a more peaceful, sustainable and co-operative way to take that energy and create a better world