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Gather the Women


Each day during the Gather the Women Initiative Week a Daily Message written by Carol Hansen Grey was emailed to participants. Here are those messages.



Tomorrow We Begin Our
Our Sacred Global Women's Retreat

by Carol Hansen Grey
Emailed March 1, 2003

Dear Gather the Women Participants:

You are receiving this email because you are one of thousands of women from 56 countries (including every state in the United States) who has registered as a participant in the Gather the Women initiative the week of March 3-9.

Tomorrow we begin our week of gathering. I will be sending you an email each day of the week as a reminder of the intention for that day. Our first day, March 3rd, is a day of Prayer and Meditation.

On this first day we invite women to form a resonant field of energy by joining in prayer with millions of women throughout the world as we prepare ourselves to gather on March 8.

Bless the time you have set aside, whether hours, days or the entire week.

Engage in sacred retreat with millions of women all over the world, joined in a circle of love for ourselves and our Earth.

Connect with Spirit--in whatever form you envision the divine--
in an energetic field of meditation and prayer invoking global peace and renewal.

RETREAT -- to the fullest extent you are able --
from the worldly activities of shopping, driving and working.

Peace Troubador James Twyman has also asked the world to mark March 3rd as a day of prayer for peace in Korea. I have included his message below in which he offers a beautiful declaration that you may wish to include in your activity for this opening day of our sacred women's global retreat.

Only Love Prevails,
Carol Hansen Grey
Executive Director
Women of Vision and Action

---- Message from James Twyman ----

On March 3, 2003, James Twyman, Neale Donald Walsch and others will join Dr. Ilchi Lee, the creator of Dahn Hak, to dedicate the University for Peace in Seoul, South Korea. (The University of Peace is an affiliate of the United Nations.) On that same day, at exactly 3:33 PM wherever you are, millions of people around the world will join together in praying the "Declaration of Humanity" written by Dr. Lee. The prayer will be recited every hour as we move from one time zone to another, blanketing the whole world in Peace.

Only a few weeks ago, James Twyman led a peace mission to Israel and millions joined him in Praying Peace for the Middle East. Scientists were on hand to measure the impact of the vigil, and their studies show that violent incidents in Israel decreased 50% or more the next day. We will employ the same technology again, and we KNOW that the results will be the same for Korea. Peace Prevails in Korea and all the world because we have the power to make it so.

At 3:33 PM wherever you are on 03/03/03, feel within your heart that peace already exists in North and South Korea. You are not asking for peace to prevail, but rather, KNOWING it is in place NOW! Then, when you are ready, pray this beautiful prayer from Dr. Lee with great enthusiasm:

The Declaration of Humanity:

I declare that I am a Spiritual Being, an essential and eternal part of the Soul of Humanity, one and indivisible.

I declare that I am a Human Being whose rights and security ultimately depend on assuring the human rights of all people of Earth.

I declare that I am a Child of the Earth, with the will and awareness to work for goals that benefit the entire community of life on Earth.

I declare that I am a Healer, with the power and purpose to heal the many forms of divisions and conflicts that exist on Earth.

I declare that I am a Protector, with the knowledge and the responsibility to help the Earth recover her natural harmony and beauty.

I declare that I am an Activist, with the commitment and the ability to make a positive difference in my society.

Then give thanks that our spiritual work has had a powerful effect. Gratitude is one of the most important parts of the process. And please pass this email to everyone you know. Let this declaration spread across the planet time zone after time zone on March 3rd.

© 2024 by Carol Hansen Grey

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