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Assorted Resources Links

Highly Recommended Domain Registration

We use NAMECHEAP exclusively to register all our domains for ourselves and for our clients.

Organic & Locally Grown Food
The Store Wars:
Organic food versus chemicals and GMOs

Local Harvest is a great site -- plug in your zip code and find local farmers markets, restaurants and more!

Government Resource Links
These assorted Government Links and Resources help you contact your senators
and congressional representative and to keep informed and up-to-date on legislation.


One of the best overall Congressional Resource sites on the web!


OpenCongress gives you the ability to oversee your
elected officials and all of our Members of Congress


A fully searchable edition of US Constitution posted by Cornell University Law School
The U.S. Constitution


See a listing and acquire publications from the Department of Defense
The Department of Defense - Office of the Inspector


Have you ever wanted to find more information on government spending?
Have you ever wondered where federal contracting dollars and grant awards go?
Or perhaps you would just like to know, as a citizen, what the government
is really doing with your money. Find it all here!


Need to find information about our Federal Government?
Here's the place that has it all!


Receive weekly email updates on how your Senators and
US Representatives voted on key issues.


Need to contact your Senator? Use one of the links below!
Instant Congress
Email Congress


Need to contact your Congressional Representative? Try one of these sites. 
Instant Congress
Contacting the Congress
Write Your Representative
Email Congress


This website is sponsored by the Library of Congress,
enables you to look up any piece of legislation pending in Congress
and gives you access to the Congressional Record


Keep tabs on what YOUR Representatives and Senators are really up to
with this Free Email Service.
Your Congress


Everything you've ever wanted to know about the US Census can be found here!


Curious about the flow of money in American politics?
This very informative site tells you who is contributing cash
to individual candidates' war chests on the federal and state level.
You can also find out what candidates and parties your particular industry is supporting.


Want to check out the latest news about what's happening on Capitol Hill. This is the site!
Roll Call


Want to become better informed about what's happening in YOUR state? Visit this site!

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